Wednesday, April 15, 2015 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Columbia, SC

2015 Conservation Coalition Lobby Day


Please join the Coastal Conservation League and our partners for the 12th Annual Conservation Lobby Day at the South Carolina Statehouse! Conservation Lobby Day is a chance for citizens like you to share your thoughts and expectations with your elected officials in the legislature. It is also a tremendous opportunity to take part in the legislative process in Columbia.


9:30 AM: Lobbying 101 at First Citizens Cafe in Columbia (parking in the Lady St. garage, exit on 2nd floor through Capitol Center)
10:30 AM: Lobby at State House (meet in 1st floor lobby; House convenes at 10 AM)
12:00 PM: Group photo on State House steps
12:30 PM: Lunch provided at 701 Whaley’s Olympia Room (with program following)
2:00 PM: Hot topics presentation
2:30 PM: Legislative Issues Panel
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Lobby at State Senate
5:30 PM – 8:00pm: Reception & Oyster Roast at 701 Whaley Market Building


Contact Us · 843.723.8035

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