Thursday, April 23, 2015 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Charleston

Rethink Folly Road: The Complete Streets Corridor Study Community Kick-Off Meeting

Where are new pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and transportation facilities needed in the Folly Road corridor? What should future growth and change look like, and what unique features should be preserved? Where are public transportation improvements and new street connections most crucial in the event of an emergency event such as a hurricane evacuation? We need your help to answer these questions.

Join us for an informative discussion about the future of Folly Road, from Center Street on Folly Beach to the Wappoo Cut Bridge. At this kick-off meeting, the consultant team will introduce issues to be addressed by the Folly Road study as well as current best practices in Complete Streets and sustainable town and transportation planning, pedestrian-and-bike-oriented street design, integrating “green” infrastructure, and preserving community character.

This will be the first in a series of meetings where we will be asking community members for their input to help create the Folly Road Complete Streets Corridor Plan – a study undertaken by the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) in association with the City of Charleston, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), the Charleston Area Regional Transit Authority (CARTA), the Town of James Island, the City of Folly Beach, and Charleston County, to explore the potential to remake Folly Road as a more sustainable, multimodal corridor, which could become a precedent for the Charleston region.

For more information, please visit

Staff Contact

Katie Zimmerman

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