Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Welcome to the September Word from the Warehouse, the monthly newsletter from GrowFood Carolina, where you can find out what is happening in our warehouse, learn more about one of the 100 growers we work with, and hear about how our work supports the mission of the Coastal Conservation League.
Please feel free to reach out to me with feedback and ideas on how to make Word from the Warehouse and GrowFood Carolina better. I’m at
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Environmental Groups Prepare to Sue Illegally Operating South Carolina Wood Pellet Manufacturer
Jasper Pellets Facility in Ridgeland Is Violating the Clean Air Act and State Law
Media contacts:
Patrick Anderson, Attorney, Environmental Integrity Project, (719) 963-4072 or
Diane Knich, Communications Manager, Coastal Conservation League, (843) 530-0211 or
Mike Mather, SELC communications, (434) 333-9464 or
Charleston, South Carolina –Three environmental groups today sent a notice of intent to sue Jasper Pellets for…
Monday, September 21, 2020
Frontier Logistics asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit the Conservation League and Charleston Waterkeeper filed to stop the company from polluting our marshes, rivers, and beaches with plastic pellets. Today, the court correctly denied the polluter’s effort to get the case thrown out. This ruling means our efforts to protect Charleston’s waterways from plastics pollution will continue to move forward. See the decision in the attachment below.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Norton Order MJP,…
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Welcome to the September edition of our Berkeley County newsletter. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!
Fall is on the horizon. The days are getting shorter, the weather is ever so slightly starting to cool, and the kids are heading back to school, either virtually or in person. I appreciate the return of some sense of normalcy after a chaotic spring and summer. I hope you continue to stay safe, happy,…
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
The Trump Administration today announced an offshore oil and gas drilling moratorium that includes South Carolina, as well as Florida and Georgia. In response to the announcement, Laura Cantral, Executive Director of the Coastal Conservation League, issued the following statement:
“Our coast deserves better than a scattershot memorandum. It leaves out most of the east coast, it doesn’t start until 2022, and it doesn’t address seismic testing. If this Administration actually intends to protect our…
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster yesterday expressed opposition to building a luxury “eco-resort” on undeveloped Bay Point Island. In a letter to Beaufort County’s Zoning Board of Appeals, Governor McMaster urged rejection “of this latest attempt to develop this beautiful barrier island.” He added, “The project’s tremendous impact on wildlife and surrounding communities cannot be squared with principles of fiscal responsibility and our shared mission of protecting the shared treasures of our state for…
Friday, August 14, 2020
Press Release from the Coastal Conservation League and the Charleston Waterkeeper
For Immediate Release: Aug. 14, 2020
Andrew Wunderley, Charleston Waterkeeper,, (843) 906-7073
Diane Knich, Communications Manager, Coastal Conservation League,, (843) 530-0211
Conservation groups should get their day in court against Frontier
Groups suing over plastic-pellet pollution challenge company’s mistakes and misstatements
CHARLESTON, SC — In a legal response filed today, the Charleston Waterkeeper and the Coastal Conservation League told the court their lawsuit against Frontier…
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
JULY 7, 2020
Ben Cunningham, Esquire, South Carolina Environmental Law Project, or (843) 527-0078
Diane Knich, Communications Manager, Coastal Conservation League, or (843) 530-0211
Conservationists Move to Join Suit to Support City in Addressing Flooding
CHARLESTON, SC – The Coastal Conservation League moved to intervene as a Defendant in Harmony West Ashley, LLC, and Stefan Hoyer v. City of Charleston, a pending federal case involving a developer’s challenge to the City’s…
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
June 3, 2020
Contact: Diane Knich, Communications Manager,, (843) 530-0211
A Statement on Standing Against Racism from
Executive Director Laura Cantral
The recent brutal and senseless murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and others before them, including Walter Scott and the Emanuel Nine, bring the systemic racism pervasive throughout America into stark, unforgiving relief. Events of the past week highlight a foundational truth of our society: Racism…
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
May 26, 2020
Leslie Lenhardt, Esquire
South Carolina Environmental Law Project or (843) 527-0078
Diane Knich
Coastal Conservation League or (843) 530-0211
Advocates Propose to Intervene in Effort to
Revise Jurisdictional Lines on Captain Sams Spit
CHARLESTON, SC – The Coastal Conservation League is seeking to block an attempt by KDP, II, LLC (formerly Kiawah Development Partners II, Inc.) to move the beachfront jurisdictional baseline seaward of the location proposed by South…