Author Posts

Lily Abromeit

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Commentary: There is a better way forward for Union Pier

Friday, June 9, 2023

An opinion piece written for The Post and Courier by Winslow Hastie, Faith Rivers James and Brian R. Turner         The once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform a major piece of public waterfront land in the nation’s first historic district is — and should be — no small feat. Over the past several months, our coalition of preservation and conservation organizations has identified a range of measures needed to ensure Union…

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South Carolina partners begin action on Salt Marsh Conservation Plan

Monday, June 5, 2023

After nearly three years of development, a comprehensive plan to protect salt marsh along the coast from North Carolina to east-central Florida has finally come to fruition. The South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative’s (SASMI) plan calls for protecting the sinewy channels of coastal grasslands for their value in reducing flooding and erosion, providing wildlife habitat and supporting coastal businesses and economies. “Salt marshes are iconic landscapes in the coastal Southeast, yet their health and sustainability is…

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South Carolina Real Estate Commission to require disclosure of flood history to buyers

Monday, June 5, 2023

Petition to shield home buyers from unforeseen costs and damages CHARLESTON, S.C. — This month, a new disclosure form published by the South Carolina Real Estate Commission goes into effect that will ensure better information about flood history and erosion risk is shared between home sellers and buyers across the state. This improved transparency will help home buyers better prepare for future floods and take precautions such as purchasing flood insurance. Previous requirements…

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Conservation is the Best and Highest-Value Use of Proposed CMC Hospital Site

Thursday, May 18, 2023

An op-ed written by North Coast Office Project Manager, Trapper Fowler. Conway Medical Center (CMC) would like you to believe there are only two options for the property they own in Carolina Forest — homes or a hospital — but that’s simply not true. A third realistic…

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Beaufort County Council confirms original community vision for St Helena Island 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Decades ago, the St. Helena community made clear that its vision for the island’s future was a place where generations of Gullah/Geechee families could continue to sustain their rich farming, hunting, and fishing culture. This vision does not include golf courses, gated communities, and resort developments, which threaten to interrupt the cultural way of life for this community.  Today, a third and final reading by Beaufort County Council of clarifying revisions to…

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St. Helena Island – Gullah/Geechee History & Heritage Continues

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Ever since their arrival on U.S. soil as enslaved Africans, the people who became Gullah/Geechee have fought to protect and preserve their culture and land. The Gullah/Geechee Nation spans from Jacksonville, NC all the way down to Jacksonville, FL and prides itself in having its own language, customs, and distinct culture that includes celebrating and maintaining their African and indigenous roots and honoring the land. One of the largest existing Gullah/Geechee communities can be found…

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