Friday, March 1, 2024 Blog · News

Charleston County compromises on tree amendments

by Emmi Palenbaum

Your voice made a difference! On Tuesday night, Charleston County Council cast their third and final vote on the tree amendments bringing to end a long fight to uphold tree protections. Ultimately, their approach settled on the inclusion of meaningful tree mitigation and public input.

After months of speaking up at meetings, writing to council members, signing and sharing a petition that yielded close to 10,000 signatures, Charleston County Council members heard you and voted on their final reading to adopt the amendments to the tree ordinance with the acceptance of both revisions recommended from Planning Commission.

While the loss of independent oversight remains, this compromise is still a positive outcome. As you well know, this was an arduous process, but well worth the attention and effort.

Prior to the introduction of these amendments, Public Works was not required to mitigate trees removed by their department. Now through these updated amendments Public Works will be required to mitigate trees. This will lessen the impacts felt from the loss of tree canopy from major road projects, especially with the specific language included that the trees must be replaced in the general area that they were removed. This results in more impactful mitigation. Even still, we must remain vigilant in speaking up for the fundamental pieces of Lowcountry culture and character that make this place special.

Keeping the right to public input proved a challenge, but citizens remained adamant, and certain members of council that were strongly opposed to public input finally conceded.

However, the work does not end here. Looking toward future county-led road projects, Public Works must continue to be held accountable for each tree slated for removal, now under the setting of a public hearing at County Council.

As we anticipate the future, finding a way to reestablish independent oversight with something new, like the creation of a Tree Board will be an important goal. But until that becomes a reality, we must continue to give our attention in reviewing county road projects. Next one up: Main Road Segment C.

With gratitude,


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