Wednesday, August 9, 2023 Blog · News

The Beauty of Lewis Ocean Bay Through Art

by Lily Abromeit

A few weeks ago, climate activist and Charleston based artist Mary Edna Fraser spent some time out at Lewis Ocean Bay, capturing its unique beauty in painting. She used her time there to encourage others to stand up for the nature preserve by signing the petition. We are grateful for her support and loved seeing the final painting. See below for a few timelapses of her work in progress! We look forward to seeing another video and an aerial painting in the coming weeks.

While we celebrate the continued support for Lewis Ocean Bay, we recognize the work is far from over. We will continue to fight for our Venus flytraps, red-cockaded woodpeckers, and other unique wildlife, and we hope you will fight with us.  

The petition to Brian Argo and Conway Medical Center has reached over 22,000 signatures in the last month! South Carolina residents, visitors, and friends of Lewis Ocean Bay are making their voices heard – hospitals do not belong near a place reliant on prescribed burning to thrive. 

We are grateful to everyone who has signed and shared the petition over the past few weeks. Your support has the power to change the tides on this issue, as we continue our fight to protect the preserve and the wildlife within from hospitals and mines. 

Please, sign the petition and keep sharing it far and wide, and we will keep you updated on our next steps with Conway Medical Center and Horry County Council.

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