Monday, September 2, 2024 All events begin at 9:00 AM

Volunteer: Folly Beach Sweep in collaboration with Charleston Surfrider

On Labor Day, Sept 2nd, the Charleston Surfrider chapter will be hosting a beach sweep on Folly Beach.

We will start the sweep with a morning movement with Let’s Run CHS, Flow Co, or She’s on Edge. After the movement, we’ll break into small groups for litter sweep and reconvene at a local restaurant for a social.

There will be multiple events to choose from for ALL volunteers:

All activities begin at 9:00 AM

Flow Co: 40 Minute flow session
Let’s Run CHS: 3-3.5 miles run something about 40ish minutes
She’s On Edge: 40 minute Paddle out

At 10:00 AM we’ll start the beach cleanup!


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