Ways to Give_2019

Help us protect the coast you love

The Coastal Conservation League is a 501 (c)3 charitable organization; contributions are tax deductible.

Your generous support makes it possible for the Coastal Conservation League to protect the South Carolina coast’s natural beauty, unique communities, and special quality of life. Explore the donation options that are right for you. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Appel at nancya@scccl.org or 843-723-9895 (EIN#57-0887278).

Cash gifts

Gifts to GrowFood Carolina

Gifts of appreciated securities

Gifts through your IRA

Gifts through your will

Gifts of life insurance

Charitable remainder unitrusts and annuity trusts

Charitable lead trusts

Gifts from a retirement plan

Corporate matching gifts


Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds allow you to make a contribution and deduct the full market value of the security at the time of the gift.  You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them. You pay no capital gains tax on the transfer when the stock is sold.

Click here to find out more.


A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), also known as IRA Charitable Rollover, is a provision that allows individuals over the age of 70.5 to make a contribution from their retirement account directly to a non-profit without affecting their taxable income.

To learn more about QCDs or to receive suggested language to provide to your advisor, please contact Nancy Appel at nancya@scccl.org or 843-723-9895


Some businesses encourage employees to make charitable contributions by matching their gifts dollar-for-dollar and sometimes as much as two or three dollars for every dollar given by employees.  You or your spouse may be able to take advantage of your company’s matching gift program when making your gift.


Bequests are contributions made through your will. A bequest may be a specific piece of property, a sum of money, or a percentage of your estate. By including the Coastal Conservation League in your will, you can establish a lasting legacy.

If you would like to learn more about including the Coastal Conservation League in your estate plans, please contact Nancy Appel at nancya@scccl.org or 843-723-9895.

If you have already included the Coastal Conservation League in your plans, please let us know. We would love to recognize and thank you.


Upon your transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to the Coastal Conservation League, we may elect either to cash in the policy immediately or hold it. You make a gift using an asset that you and your family no longer need, and you receive an income tax deduction at the same time.


Charitable trusts let you make a larger contribution now and continue to receive income each year from your gift.  These trusts are particularly beneficial for those who hold highly appreciated low-yield investments from which a higher return is desired.


Donors can make a gift of their current income by putting property in a simple trust. The donor specifies the percentage of the total annual value that the Coastal Conservation League is to receive.  At the end of a designated period, the property is returned to the donor or to the non-charitable trust beneficiaries.


You can name the Coastal Conservation League as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified plan. You can designate the Coastal Conservation League to receive all or a portion of the balance of your plan through your plan administrator. The balance in your plan passes to the Conservation League after your death. This allows you to avoid the potential double taxation your retirement savings would face if you designated these assets to your heirs. And you continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals.

This information on giving options provided here is general in nature, is not complete, and may not apply to your specific situation. You should consult your own tax advisor regarding your tax needs. The Coastal Conservation League makes no warranties and is not responsible for your use of this information or for any errors or inaccuracies resulting from your use.


Nancy Appel · nancya@scccl.org · 843.723.9895

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