Conversations with Conservationists

What is Conversations with Conservationists?

Environmental non-profits in South Carolina are coming together through our umbrella group, the Conservation Coalition, to host a series of webinars for the next few weeks. This series, Conversations with Conservationists, is like a Zoom Happy Hour, but with a little more structure. Each one will have a few folks who are working on the issue, and you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions.

Missed the live webinars sessions for Conversations with Conservationists? No worries! Below you can catch up and tune in by watching the recordings of these live discussions.


Episode 1: What’s up with offshore drilling? | WATCH HERE

How do we protect our coast? Hear from U.S. Representative Joe Cunningham, our Energy and Climate Advocacy Director (Alan Hancock), grassroots group Stop Offshore Drilling in the Atlantic (Peg Howell), and the Executive Director of the South Carolina Environmental Law Project (Amy Armstrong).

** bonus: Take a deeper dive into this issue with the Southern Environmental Law Center by watching this video of the attorneys who went to work after the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and what they learned from the experience. WATCH HERE


Episode 2: Santee Cooper & Clean Energy | WATCH HERE

Learn about the conservation perspective on the potential sale or reform of Santee Cooper, the problems with burning coal for electricity, and the reforms necessary for a clean energy future. The presenters are Alan Hancock, Energy and Climate Advocacy Director at the Coastal Conservation League; Rebecca Haynes, Deputy Director at the Conservation Voters of South Carolina; and Julia Dietz, Policy Director at Audubon South Carolina.


Episode 3: How’s Implementation of the Energy Freedom Act going at the PSC?  | WATCH HERE

This episode will focus on the implementation of the Energy Freedom Act (EFA), landmark legislation passed in 2019 to encourage competition and renewable energy investments in South Carolina. Last year the EFA put South Carolina in the national spotlight because it showed unanimous, bipartisan support for clean energy in our state. The Act, however, left a lot about energy competition in South Carolina to be decided by the Public Service Commission (PSC), a 7-member quasi-judicial body that oversees utilities in the state. In this webinar we will explore the PSC’s implementation of the EFA, which is best described as a roller coaster, with more downs than ups.


Episode 4: Protecting the Landscapes We Love | WATCH HERE

Watch to learn about the current land protection efforts at the state and federal levels. We’ll share information about the new “Thirty by Thirty” conservation goals in South Carolina and in Congress, that aim to protect 30% of our land and water by 2030. We’ll also chat about how we can accomplish this bold goal, through policies and programs like the Land and Water Conservation Fund.


Don’t see the webinar you’re looking for? 

Please be aware that webinar recordings will be made available within 24 hours of the live session.

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