Press Releases

Media Contact: Lily Abromeit • (785) 766-5343 •

News · Press Releases

Fossil fuel path for Santee Cooper is most expensive for customers going forward

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Press Release from the Southern Environmental Law Center, the Sierra Club and Coastal Conservation League For Immediate Release: Sept. 12, 2019 Contact: Mike Mather, SELC, (434) 977-4090 or cell/text (434) 333-9464; Alan Hancock, Coastal Conservation League; (803) 361-1693; Alex Amend, Sierra Club, (404) 457-8937; Fossil fuel path for Santee Cooper is most expensive for customers going forward COLUMBIA, S.C. – A new report being distributed to lawmakers shows that a Santee Cooper future…

News · Press Releases

Court denies request to proceed with groin construction in Georgetown Co.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Press Release South Carolina Environmental Law Project Coastal Conservation League FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 29, 2019 Contact: Amy E. Armstrong, Esquire SC Environmental Law Project or (843) 527-0078 Caitie Forde-Smith Coastal Conservation League or (252) 714-4790 Court denies request to proceed with groin construction in Georgetown County GEORGETOWN COUNTY, SC – The Administrative Law Court denied DeBordieu Colony Community Association’s request to lift the automatic stay, which would have enabled it to begin constructing three groins on Debidue Beach in Georgetown…

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BREAKING: State Supreme Court will hear Captain Sams case

Friday, August 9, 2019

We just learned that the South Carolina Supreme Court agreed to hear another one of our cases to stop development on Captains Sams Spit, a dynamic sand spit on the far end of Kiawah Island. This is great news! Justices will soon consider the developers’ plans to build a 2,380-foot steel wall on the eroding stretch of beach leading out to the spit. This will be the fifth time the court will hear arguments on…

Blog · News · Press Releases

Statement on state’s rejection of seismic request

Monday, July 8, 2019

July 8, 2019 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contacts: Caitie Forde-Smith, Communications Director at or (252) 714-4790 Alan Hancock, Energy and Climate Advocacy Director at or (803) 361-1693 Coastal Conservation League cheers state’s rejection of seismic request CHARLESTON, S.C. — Today, the state’s Department of…

Blog · Press Releases

Coastal Conservation League, residents challenge Interstate 526 contract

Monday, June 3, 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 3, 2019 Contacts: Caitie Forde-Smith, Communications Director — (252) 714-4790 or Diane Knich, Communications Associate — (843) 530-0211 or Coastal Conservation League, residents challenge Interstate 526 contract Legal filing calls into question Charleston County’s use of half-cent sales tax CHARLESTON, S.C. — Today, the Coastal Conservation League and three Charleston County residents filed a lawsuit in South Carolina state court challenging the county’s use of funds from the 2016 half-cent…

News · Press Releases

Statement on S.C. Senate passage of the Energy Freedom Act

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May 8, 2019 Press Statement Coastal Conservation League FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contacts: Alan Hancock, Energy and Climate Advocacy Director or (803) 361-1693 Caitie Forde-Smith, Communications Director or (252) 714-4790 Coastal Conservation League applauds the final passage of Energy Freedom Act CHARLESTON, S.C. — Following today’s Senate vote in favor of the Energy Freedom Act (House Bill 3659), Executive Director Laura Cantral issued the following statement….

News · Press Releases

Groups challenge proposed groins on Georgetown Co. beach, efforts to engineer shoreline

Friday, April 26, 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media contacts: Amy Armstrong, Esquire, Executive Director South Carolina Environmental Law Project or (843) 527-0078 Caitie Forde-Smith, Communications Director Coastal Conservation League or (252) 714-4790 Erin Hardwick Pate, North Coast Office Director Coastal Conservation League or (803) 413-5008 Groups challenge proposed groins on Georgetown Co. beach, efforts to engineer shoreline A new appeal to state’s Administrative Law Court aims to protect pristine estuary and health of beach GEORGETOWN, SC — On behalf of the Coastal Conservation League, the…

News · Press Releases

Statement on Trump administration talk of sidelining drilling plan

Thursday, April 25, 2019

 April 25, 2019 Press Statement Coastal Conservation League FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contacts: Alan Hancock, Energy and Climate Advocacy Director or (803) 361-1693 Caitie Forde-Smith, Communications Director or (252) 714-4790 Coastal Conservation League calls on Congress to settle drilling debate CHARLESTON, S.C. — Following remarks by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to the Wall Street Journal confirming the Trump administration’s plan for federal offshore oil and gas leasing…

News · Press Releases

Statement on Senate approval of anti-drilling measure during budget debate

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Coastal Conservation League Press Statement  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 2018 Contact: Alan Hancock, Energy and Climate Advocacy Director or (803) 361-1693 Caitie Forde-Smith, Communications Director or (252) 714-4790 State Senators approve anti-drilling measure during budget debate CHARLESTON, SC – Today, South Carolina Senators approved a budget proviso introduced by Senator Chip Campsen that would block onshore infrastructure…

News · Press Releases

South Carolina House of Representatives Passes Energy Freedom Act

Thursday, February 21, 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 21, 2019 Contacts: Conservation Voters of South Carolina – Tommy Gardiner, (803) 262-9142 Coastal Conservation League – Alan Hancock, (803) 361-1693  South Carolina House of Representatives Passes Energy Freedom Act Bill opens competition, removes net metering cap, opens solar options to lower-income residents COLUMBIA, S.C. – The Energy Freedom Act (House Bill 3659), known as the LCI Compromise (from the House Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee), was passed by the SC House today by…

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